Low trauma extraction as prerequisite for ridge volume preservation in implant dentistry
Published date: May 1, 2024
Modified date: June 3, 2024
- Location: Online, Online
This lecture covers minimally invasive and patient-friendly extraction techniques aimed at minimizing bone loss. Viewers will learn about the latest luxation instruments and innovative devices that expand the socket around the tooth and break down the periodontal ligament for gentle tooth removal.
Successful osseointegration of a dental implant alone does not fulfill the ever-increasing demands for pleasing esthetics. A harmonious peri-implant mucosal architecture in comparison with the contra-lateral natural tooth is one of the most significant components of an esthetic outcome. To maintain this in the long-term, an adequate volume of hard and soft tissues around implants is required. At least 2mm of bone around an implant is recommended to for tissue volume stability.
Dimensional alterations of hard and soft tissues due to physiological and structural changes inevitably occur following tooth loss. These changes can lead to esthetic implant complications and failures. Several surgical techniques are employed to minimize these inevitable changes, such as flapless low trauma extraction, ridge preservation and immediate implant placement.
This online lecture will address this topic by showing clinical pictures and videos of how to execute low trauma extraction using penholder grip Luxator periotomes and Physics Forceps extraction instruments.
Successful osseointegration of a dental implant alone does not fulfill the ever-increasing demands for pleasing esthetics. A harmonious peri-implant mucosal architecture in comparison with the contra-lateral natural tooth is one of the most significant components of an esthetic outcome. To maintain this in the long-term, an adequate volume of hard and soft tissues around implants is required. At least 2mm of bone around an implant is recommended to for tissue volume stability.
Dimensional alterations of hard and soft tissues due to physiological and structural changes inevitably occur following tooth loss. These changes can lead to esthetic implant complications and failures. Several surgical techniques are employed to minimize these inevitable changes, such as flapless low trauma extraction, ridge preservation and immediate implant placement.
This online lecture will address this topic by showing clinical pictures and videos of how to execute low trauma extraction using penholder grip Luxator periotomes and Physics Forceps extraction instruments.
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